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2015 – Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE)

Session Title: Program cases of opportunities to learn algebra and to learn to teach algebra

Description: The aim of our study is to explore the different ways that secondary mathematics teacher education programs prepare PSTs to teach algebra to diverse student populations in the context of changing standards and algebra-related educational policies. Algebra is of particular importance as it is considered a civil right and serves as a gatekeeper to more advanced courses and science and mathematics-related career opportunities (Kilpatrick & Izsák, 2008; Moses & Cobb, 2001).  We will discuss opportunities to learn (OTLs) algebra and OTLs to teach algebra in five programs, highlighting areas of concentration and unique qualities.  With this aim in mind, our research question is: How do learning opportunities offered at five secondary mathematics teacher education programs support pre-service teachers in learning about algebra and learning to teach algebra?

Presenters: Alexia Mintos, Eryn M. Stehr, Jeffrey Craig, and Jill Newton.

Presentation Time and Date: Thursday, February 12, 2015 at 9:00 AM

Citation: Mintos, A., Stehr, E.M., Craig, J., & Newton, J. (2015, February), Program cases of opportunities to learn algebra and to learn to teach algebra. Paper presented at The Nineteenth Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE), Orlando, FL.